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COMMUNITY COUNCILLORS elected on Thursday 25th October 2018 for a four year term which was completed in September 2022

This was the first contested election in Tarbrax for many years.  The successful candidates are to be congratulated on their achievement.



Alistair Marshall      Chair                 



Patricia Tucker          Secretary   -  Resigned June 2021  

Tricia Govan               Treasurer            


Margaret Addo 



Stephen Hunter                                    


John Robertson                                   

Barbara Robertson 




Eric Williamson   - resigned 2021 as moved out of TCC area       


John Tucker    Associate Member Since 2018              

Representing Tarbrax Common & Village Hall Trust




The below three Councillors were co-opted to the Council in 2022

Leanne Taylor

Susan Peters

Christine Beanie




Margaret retired from the Community Council in September 2022.  Her long years of service to the Community are greatly appreciated by all.

Sadly Barbara who had been a member of the Community Council for many , many years, passed away in 2021.  She was a very active and much loved member of the Community and is sorely missed.

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