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South Lanarkshire
Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils

The Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils is a policy document which Community Councils must adhere to in order to remain constitutional.  
The model Constitution used by Community Councils is also contained within the document, along with the Code of Conduct and Standing Orders for Community Councils.
The Nomination Form has to be completed by a proposer and seconder, along with the nominee, who must be of voting age and reside within the Community Council area.  This form is used for elections and by-elections.  Click HERE to access the nomination form.    TWA&D Community Council currently has its full complement of Councillors.  
Elections take place every 4 years, the next election being in October 2022. By signing a nomination form, you are agreeing to abide by the Community Council's Code of Conduct (contained within the Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils)

Click HERE to open the document  'Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils' which includes all details of the South Lanarkshire Guidelines for Community Councils , including details of how to apply to become a Community Councillor.

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