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Tarbrax Village Hall    

The link will take you to the

TCVHT's Facebook page for

information about Hall

bookings and events.

 The Auchengray Church Centre  

Use the link to get

information about

the Church

activities and


events in the

Church Hall.

Auchengray Primary School

The above link will take you to the Auchengray School website

The Woolfords, Auchengray & Tarbrax Improvement Foundation.   Click this link to find out all about WAT IF? and click here to go to their Facebook page for information about local events in the area.

WATIF have recently taken possession of Loanhead as a community owned venture to create a place to meet, eat and grow.   This is a fabulous opportunity to build a legacy for generations to come.     Visit their website to find out more.   

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