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We havent had a Scarecrow competition in recent years but I'm leaving this page up in case we do have another one.

Click on HERE to see the criteria the Judges use to judge the Scarecrows.


Scroll down to see one way to make a scarecrow - let's make it a bumper year!:

1     Gather up the clothes you want to dress your scarecrow in.

2     You will need:

- two poles or lengths of wood - one shorter than the other 

- and an 'all in one'  disposable overall with a hood. 

(These are available from Amazon, Poundland or Do it Yourself  stores)

3     Stuff the overall with straw / hay / old carrier bags / empty plastic bottles / shredded paper / old  rags.  Anything to fill it out.

4     Thread the pole down the body of the overall and down one leg. 

5     Thread the shorter pole across the arms - or one arm, whichever you prefer.

6     Stuff an old pillow case for the head and fasten it to the top of the pole and inside the hood of the overalls.     

7     Using 'Sharpie' type pens, mark eyes, nose, mouth etc on the pillow case to make a face.

8    You are now ready to add hair and then dress your scarecrow

 however you want.

9     When you have finished, fasten your scarecrow to a tree or fence

 where it does not interfere with neighbours or traffic and cannot blow away.

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